And Story

About the project

To celebrate the cultural and linguistic diversity of the world, we invite you to submit a poem (or short story) in your minority / endangered language. We want to create a digital poetry collection to demonstrate the importance of speaking your language and strengthening your culture in challenging times. Language loss and revitalization, connection, and re-connection with the past for the future, and the relationship between speaking, hearing, and being are just some of the topics we would like to explore in the In Our Own Words digital poetry collection.

We need to include audio or video recordings of the poem (or short story) so that your language can be fully experienced. Please also briefly describe your language and culture (e.g., where it is spoken? how many speakers use it?). If possible, providing a translation/or description of your art would allow you to reach a wider audience (even if we agree with the words of the Japanese Poet from the Patterson movie: “Poetry in translation is like taking a shower with a raincoat on.”). Please send your contribution to:

Digital Poetry 
And Story 
